How it Works:
Our note-formatting program enables you to take control of the way your notes are presented to you. Often, students will struggle with the readability of their notes, meaning that even if the notes are in-depth, they might make little sense to the reader. Fortunately, the writer needn't fear of reading their notes, for our note-formatter will make them appear far more appealing!
Alternatively, our timer program enables you to keep track of how long you spend studying and taking breaks. Modeled off of custom timers and more popular ones, such as the Pomodoro, you can customize between larger or smaller breaks, as well as change the time you spend working. Furthermore, there is a To-Do list included with the timer, so you can cross off the items that you finish!
Lastly, feel free to use our self-quiz program, in which you can input any questions and answers you may come up with while studying. Then, when you are ready, the program will select a random question and display it, similar to the way in which a flashcard works. This will repeat until the user runs out of questions. They can input questions and answers to their heart's content!